Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Manga mode: Minmy

Well, it has been less than a month (maybe) since I published my artwork on May 13th. I've become such a bad-blogger. -,-"
Now, forget it.

Proudly present, my new artwork : Minmy,
Tool : Snowman Drawing Pen
Software used : Photoshop CS 2 (for toning only)

Tool : Snowman Drawing Pen
Software used : Photoshop CS 2 (colouring)

Lately, I have become a manual-made-drawing fans. I dont know why, but it's fun when you imagine how hard they made a drawing (especially manga) without using digital tool, like tablet or using photoshop, for example?
But, this time I wanna improve my drawing skill (even it's bad -,- ), in digital, 'cause I'm bad on it.
Hope you like it guys! ;)


Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Finally re-named!

Well, today I don't feel like doing anything, oops! (We're not going to sing a Bruno Mars's The Lazy Song, are we?)

So, today I re-named, re-cycle, re-use the old Minmy-Gallery, my other blog after one-year-hiatus (or maybe 2-year-hiatus?). Finally, we have a new name, COLOURFLY ! Yoohoo!

I finally get some new header and layout for this brand-new-blog! Hope this can be a little eye-refresher for you all! :)

Wanna look the real header and the layout templates? Enjoy :)

Heehee, that's all for today :)