Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

There's something in your BAG

It's been a long time since my I published my latest post in this blog. Really, all of school-stuff called homework and test make me (almost) crazy all the time. And Thanks God it's now Ramadan. For all moslem who do fasting just like I do, I hope that we'll have a good time and may Allah bless us. Amin.

Since today's my last first-ramadan-fasting-holiday, I'll give you a lot of artwork I have made and photos I took. Here you are! ;)

The first one is the bag I have made. Well, I only did the artwork. For the bag, I got it from the workshop I have attended. I'm using Black Artline's Shirt Marker.

Cute, isn't he? He's my little cousin, Akhdan.

Mouthwatering? Yes, it's Iga Penyet. One of my favourite food. FYI, I think you can only find it in Indonesia. So if you're not in Indonesia, in this case, outside Indonesia, you should come to Indonesia if you want to try this one! :)

What are you looking at, Dad? ;;)

For the photos, I prefer Lomo Camera than anything. I really love the result.

Warning! This photo is TRULY taken by LOMO APP CAMERA, not the photoshop-edited one!

I wish I could have one of Lomo Camera, I mean the REAL lomo camera o:)



Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

When Manga Meets Fashion #1

I just wondering about fashion. I do love fashion, but honestly, I love to "draw" fashion and "wear" fashion to my character, not for myself.

I totally loove fashion!

well, check it out guys!

Floral Dream
I'm using Kenko Mechanic Pencil, Snowman 0.3 Drawing Pen, and Photoshop CS2 (colouring)




Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Sleep Over the Rainbow

Hello there!

I love rainbow! :)

Sleep Over the Rainbow
I'm using Pilot Hi-tech Pen (toning) and TiTi Oil Crayon (colouring)

And then, I love the final result (little bit) ;)


Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Wondering for What?

Surprised, eh? I'm having some renovation here, so I hope you're all like it ;)

Well, today, there are also some drawing I have done. One of them is the new header's real look. And the plain one is the REAAAAAL one. Hehe. Hope you like it, guys! ;)

Real Header
I'm using Snowman Drawing pen and Adobe Photoshop CS 2 (For Finishing)

REAL Header
I'm using Snowman Drawing Pen

Beside, I just finished to re-design my 5-years-old-drawing. It's about Rapunzel. The differences is, my 5-years-old-drawing is about "Happy and Smiling Rapunzel" but my brand-new-Rapunzel is about "Rapunzel's Sorrow". Well, check this out guys! :)

Rapunzel's Sorrow
I'm using Faber Castell Pencil



Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Manga mode: Minmy

Well, it has been less than a month (maybe) since I published my artwork on May 13th. I've become such a bad-blogger. -,-"
Now, forget it.

Proudly present, my new artwork : Minmy,
Tool : Snowman Drawing Pen
Software used : Photoshop CS 2 (for toning only)

Tool : Snowman Drawing Pen
Software used : Photoshop CS 2 (colouring)

Lately, I have become a manual-made-drawing fans. I dont know why, but it's fun when you imagine how hard they made a drawing (especially manga) without using digital tool, like tablet or using photoshop, for example?
But, this time I wanna improve my drawing skill (even it's bad -,- ), in digital, 'cause I'm bad on it.
Hope you like it guys! ;)


Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Finally re-named!

Well, today I don't feel like doing anything, oops! (We're not going to sing a Bruno Mars's The Lazy Song, are we?)

So, today I re-named, re-cycle, re-use the old Minmy-Gallery, my other blog after one-year-hiatus (or maybe 2-year-hiatus?). Finally, we have a new name, COLOURFLY ! Yoohoo!

I finally get some new header and layout for this brand-new-blog! Hope this can be a little eye-refresher for you all! :)

Wanna look the real header and the layout templates? Enjoy :)

Heehee, that's all for today :)